Sijoitusalan asiantuntijoiden yhdistäjä

DiAM Program

Welcome to the Digital Assets and MiCA® Programme

The Digital Assets and MiCA® programme (DiAM) aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and developments in this dynamic field.



In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the development of assets based on blockchain technology, commonly known as digital or crypto assets. Beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether, blockchain enables the creation of various financial instruments such as stablecoins, central bank digital money (CBDC), and tokenized traditional assets. With increasing adoption, regulation has become a focal point, with initiatives like the MiCA Regulation shaping the regulatory landscape in Europe.


Who is this for?

This program targets professionals in the financial sector aiming to grasp digital assets, including crypto assets, and understand their evolving regulatory landscape. It is relevant for:

·       Advisors

·       Salespeople

·       Banking and finance managers

·       Professionals in the insurance sector

·       Financial report preparers

·       Legal and technical experts working in finance

While primarily designed for professionals, its progressive curriculum also caters to individual investors seeking to expand their knowledge in this domain.


Learning Outcomes

The EFFAS Digital Assets and MiCA® programme is designed to provide essential knowledge about blockchain, crypto-assets, and evolving regulations. By the end of the program, participants will gain insights into:


·       Understanding blockchain technology and its implications for the financial industry.

·       Classifying crypto-assets and navigating current regulations.

·       Exploring products and services in the crypto world.

·       Analyzing the evolving regulatory landscape, with a focus on the MiCA directive.

·       Differentiating between decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional finance.

·       Identifying new trends and future developments in the crypto sector.


Main Advantages

·       Developed by industry practitioners and legal experts from across Europe.

·       Online tutorials presented by experienced professionals and academics.

·       Comprehensive coverage of the MiCA Directive.

·       Accessible learning platform with self-assessment tools.

·       Practical examples for better understanding.

·       Regular updates to remain relevant.

·       Certification endorsed by EFFAS.


Programme Structure

The DiAM programme consists of five modules:

1.       Blockchain technology; what it is and how it is linked to the crypto world.

2.       Typologies of crypto assets and basic regulation that affects them.

3.       Products and services in the world of crypto assets.

4.       Regulation and money laundering: the MICA effect and the AML5.

5.       Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and new trends and investments


Online Programme Contents

Each module includes:

·       Video seminars (recorded)

·       Course slides

·       Self-assessment tools


Certification Exam

The DiAM® professional certification exam, administered by EFFAS, consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and lasts 90 minutes. It can be taken online.


DiAM Common Exam dates: 

24.06.2024 Online (Registration deadline 24.5.2024)

23.9.2024 Online (Registration deadline 23.8.2024)



Online training course (4 months’ access to the online learning platform) & common exam:

510€ + VAT24


Online training course (4 months' access to the online learning platform):

380€ + VAT24


Full DiAM brochure here.


All training materials are in English and designed for candidates with a minimum English level of B2. Candidates without this level of English enrolling to the programme do so at their own risk.


For more information and enrollment, please contact us at



  • 07.02.2025
    Hae CEFA-koulutukseen - aloitus 6.10.2025

    In english below.

    Kehitä rahoitusalan analyyttistä osaamistasi ja hanki oikeus CEFA-nimikkeeseen


    The Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) -koulutus on arvostettu Euroopassa tunnustettu tutkinto sijoitus- ja rahoitusalan ammattilaisille, jotka haluavat kehittää, täydentää tai ylläpitää analyysiosaamistaan. Seuraava koulutus alkaa 6. lokakuuta 2025.


    Koulutus rakentuu neljästä haastavasta moduulista, joiden aikana katetaan kymmenen alan keskeistä aihepiiriä:


    Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
    Equity Valuation and Analysis
    Corporate Finance
    Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
    Derivate Valuation and Analysis
    Portfolio Management
    European Regulations
    National Component

    Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu mukaan:


    PS. Jos CEFA-nimike on jo hankittuna, tutustu uuteen Sustainable Investing -ohjelmaan, jossa opit hyödyntämään ESG-tietoja valuaatio- ja sijoitusanalyysissä. Koulutus auttaa myös valmistautumaan CESGA (Certified ESG Analyst) -tenttiin. Lue lisää Sustainable Investing -ohjelmasta:


    Improve Your Financial and Analytical Competence and Become a CEFA Holder

    The Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) program provides uniform, high-level, standardized training for investment and finance professionals. It leads to the highly respected CEFA qualification accredited in 27 European countries. The next training session starts on October 6th.


    The CEFA syllabus covers 10 key topic areas that together enable participants to face the emerging challenges of the profession:


    Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
    Equity Valuation and Analysis
    Corporate Finance
    Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
    Derivative Valuation and Analysis
    Portfolio Management
    European Regulations
    National Component

    Read more and register for the program:


    P.S. If you have already acquired the CEFA title, check out the new Sustainable Investing program, where you will learn how to utilize ESG information in valuation and investment analysis. The training also helps to prepare for the CESGA (Certified ESG Analyst) exam. Read more about the Sustainable Investing program:

    Lue lisää
  • 18.08.2022
    Hae CEFA-koulutukseen/Apply to CEFA program

    In english below.

    Kehitä rahoitusalan analyyttistä osaamistasi ja hanki oikeus CEFA-nimikkeeseen

    The Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) -koulutus on arvostettu Euroopassa tunnustettu tutkinto sijoitus- ja rahoitusalan ammattilaisille, jotka haluavat kehittää, täydentää tai ylläpitää analyysiosaamistaan. Seuraava koulutus alkaa 3. lokakuuta ja vielä ehtii hyvin ilmoittautua mukaan.

    Koulutus rakentuu neljästä haastavasta moduulista, joiden aikana katetaan kymmenen alan keskeistä aihepiiriä:

    Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
    Equity Valuation and Analysis
    Corporate Finance
    Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
    Derivate Valuation and Analysis
    Portfolio Management
    European Regulations
    National Component

    Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu mukaan:


    PS. Jos CEFA-nimike on jo hankittuna, tutustu uuteen Sustainable Investing -ohjelmaan, jossa opit hyödyntämään ESG-tietoja valuaatio- ja sijoitusanalyysissä. Koulutus auttaa myös valmistautumaan CESGA (Certified ESG Analyst) -tenttiin. Lue lisää Sustainable Investing -ohjelmasta:



    Improve Your Financial and Analytical Competence and Become a CEFA Holder

    The Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) program provides uniform high-level standardized training for investment and finance professionals leading to the highly respected CEFA qualification, which is accredited in 27 European countries. The next training starts on October 3rd so now it is a good time to register for the program.

    The CEFA syllabus covers 10 key topic areas that together enable participants to face the emerging challenges of the profession:

    Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
    Equity Valuation and Analysis
    Corporate Finance
    Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
    Derivative Valuation and Analysis
    Portfolio Management
    European Regulations
    National Component
    Read more and register for the program:


    P.S. If you have already acquired the CEFA title, check out the new Sustainable Investing program, where you will learn how to utilize ESG information in valuation and investment analysis. The training also helps to prepare for the CESGA (Certified ESG Analyst) exam. Read more about the Sustainable Investing program:

    Lue lisää
  • 09.08.2022
    Kutsu rapujuhliin 1.9.2022

    Tervetuloa perinteisiin rapujuhliin, jotka järjestetään yhteistyössä Suomen Pörssimeklarit ry:n kanssa. Rapujuhlat järjestetään Ravintola Sipulissa torstaina 1.9.2022 kello 18:00 alkaen. Tule mukaan nauttimaan loistavasta ruuasta ja mahtavasta seurasta!

    Ilmoittauduthan rapujuhliin 24.8.2022 mennessä. Rapujuhlien hinta analyytikkoyhdistyksen jäsenelle on 70 euroa, joka sisältää illallisen asianmukaisine ruokajuomineen.

    Paikkoja on rajattu määrä.


    Ravintola Sipulin rapumenut 2022

    Rapujen jälkeen


    Menu I

    Paahdettua karitsanfileetä, tryffelillä maustettua polentaa ja tummaa sienikastiketta L,G


    Korvapuustikakkua ja maitojäätelöä


    Menu II

    Rapeaksipaistettua nieriää ja porkkanapyreetä ja soija- voikastiketta


    Kookos- limejuustokakkua


    Lisäksi menuisiin

    Kolmen juuston lajitelma ja raparperichutney



    Voit ilmoittautua rapujuhliin maksamalla omakustannusosuuden 70€ yhdistyksen tilille Nordea FI6810313001268627 ja lähettämällä kuittikopion maksusta osoitteeseen Laita viestiksi nimesi, menu, sekä tiedot erikoisruokavalioista.

    Tervetuloa mukaan!

    Lue lisää